Advantage vs Disadvantage of Cloud Backup

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Advantage - 1 Cost-effective. Cloud storage is much cheaper than using any external Storage.

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Advantage - 2 Security. Cloud storage is safer than any local storage.

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Advantage - 3 Accessibility. The Cloud gives us access to our files from anywhere, only need an internet connection.

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Advantage - 4 Recovery. In case failure of hard drive, the files can be recover from cloud.

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Advantage - 5 Updating. When we make changes to a file these will updated on cloud.

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Advantage - 6 Disaster Recovery. Data is at a low risk of system failure.

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Disadvantage - 1 Downtime. While working with cloud computing, downtime is a factor that needs to be considered.

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Disadvantage - 2 Lack of total control. Do not have the ability to control and customise data stroage set-up because data is held offsite by a company where we do not control.

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Disadvantage - 3 Internet connectivity. Slow / bad internet connectivity is a drawback in cloud computing.

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Disadvantage - 4 Performance. Performance may be affected as the several organizations using same network.

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